Elementary School topics include: school and classroom expectations, behavior expectations, grading, assessment, homework, communication with the teacher, how to get involved and more.
Middle School topics include: course selection, grading, testing, homework, classroom expectations, school events and activities, Family Access, communication with the teachers and more.
High School topics include: course selection, different academic program, graduation requirements, grading, Family Access, school events and activities, homework, communication with teachers and more.
Issaquah District parents and staff will share information and answer your questions.
You can choose to attend ONE of the following information sessions: Elementary School Information - Middle School Information - High School Information
Interpreters are available in Chinese and Spanish.
Padres del Distrito escolar, y personal del mismo compartirán información y responderán a tus preguntas. Podrás seleccionar una de las sesiones: Primaria, secundaria o bachillerato
Miércoles, 3 de Octubre, 2018 a las 6:30 pm en la Escuela Issaquah Valley Elementary.
Traductores disponibles en Español y Chino.