If you are interested in the Foundation and would consider a volunteer position on a committee of the Board of Trustees, please reach out to Board President, Trisha Marshall T.Marshall@isfdn.org for more information or to answer any questions you might have.
If you are interested in helping with general office, program logistics such as grant application reviews, Cultural Bridges, annual spring fundraiser, Nourish Every Mind, event planning, please email Lisa@isfdn.org
Would you like to be featured in Issaquah Schools Foundation marketing materials such as pamphlets, posters, social media, or our website? For desktop, please use the following directions:
1. Download
2. Sign using Adobe "fill and sign"
3. E-mail back to info@isfdn.org.
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1. Download
2. Click markup from the dropdown menu
3. Click "fill and sign" in the menu bar
4. Complete the fields
5. Save to your device
6. E-mail to info@isfdn.org.
As a community-powered non-profit organization, we value and welcome your involvement. Your donation of time and talent will directly impact the quality of education our students receive.
Fueling Success for Every Student, Every School