Save the date! You're invited to join Issaquah Schools Foundation at the Fourth of July Parade in Issaquah, coordinated by the Greater Issaquah Chamber of Commerce.
The Foundation leads the parade in a sea of patriotic red down Front Street - waving, smiling and passing out more than 7,000 pieces of candy.
WHO: Children, families, volunteers, community members, friends and even dogs. Two volunteer hours are given to high school students.
WHAT: Smile, wave and walk down Front Street in Issaquah with the Foundation, passing out more than 7,000 pieces (provided) of candy.
WHEN: July 4, 2018. Meet at 10:30 am. Parade begins at 11 am and finishes at noon
WHERE: Meet on Rainier Blvd North (angled street off Front Street). Parade runs down Front Street.
WHAT TO BRING: Bucket, bag or any fun container that you can fill with candy to pass out.
WEAR: Dress in red, white and blue. Beads, hats, etc. are fun additions.
To register to attend and/or volunteer, please email