Grant Title
Grant Recipient
"The Big Day" with PNW National Best-Selling Author, Suzanne Selfors
This grant will allow Suzanne Selfors to spend an entire day at the school. She will give three presentations, have lunch with the students, meet with a special group of students, and have a book-signing time. Suzanne's stories are age appropriate and highlight diverse chacters, many with mixed-race families. All students and staff will have the opportunity to hear from this native Pacific Northwest guest author.
Marcelle Waldman
Issaquah Valley Elementary
Advisor Growth & Development Grant
This grant will allow teachers at Gibson Ek to visit a school in Boise, ID called One Stone. A group of teachers will have the opportunity to visit a school similar to ours and then apply the knowledge learned into future academic systems throughout our school and the student body.
Karin Walen
Gibson Ek
Binder Bootcamp: Restoring Order and Teaching Organization one Student at a time
Binder Bootcamp is a PTSA sponsored, school supported event that pairs one adult with one student to organize the student's binder and to introduce an organizational system for going forward. This grant would purchase supplies of pocketed dividers, pencil pouches and zipping binders.
Kristen Allen-Bentsen, Seth Adams
Issaquah Middle School
Connecting with Families: A Reading at Home Program
This grant will provide books at Fountas and Pinnell Levels Pre A through J to support students reading skills and provide them with “Just Right Books” to take home and practice reading.
Christy Otley
Clark Elementary
Engaging students in learning human anatomy and biomechanics with a high quality classroom skeleton
"Make no bones about it!" Student benefit when granted the opportunity for hands on, interactive learning. This grant will provide a high-quality replica human skeleton for use in advanced life science courses as a tool to engage students, help them to connect, and love learning about the anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the human body.
Gretel von Bargen
Skyline HIgh School
Flying into Literacy with High Interest Leveled Books
This grant will provide a set of high interest leveled books to use with english language learners. Helping the teacher to design vocabulary rich reading lessons around the books to improve students' skills in reading and oral english.
Sarah Mitchell
Issaquah Valley Elementary
Learn to Read - Read to Learn (Year 3)
This grant will provide the Learn to Read – Read to Learn (Year 3) program which will help emerging younger readers and struggling older readers in the school by providing over 400 eBooks, which their teachers can set at the just-right level for them.
Emily Mitchell
Apollo Elementary
Playaway Audiobooks: Building Proficient Readers and Launching a Love of Literature
This grant will provide a selection of Playaway audiobooks that will be available for check out as part of the library collection. Playaway audiobooks support students who struggle with reading fluency, reading stamina, or visual impairment by providing equitable access to the stories that engage their peers.
Tracy Guillen
Clark Elementary
Social Emotional Learning and Literacy - Adapting to Diverse Student Needs
With this grant, we will enrich the district adopted Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum with SEL texts that align with the curriculum, best practices of social/emotional development, and what our school data shows are areas of growth and student need. These texts will be available to teachers, staff, and students for checkout in our building library to be utilized effectively and with continued support from specialists and teachers.
Amanda Blashaw
Sunset Elementary
Summer Slide: Just Say No!
This grant will provide a minimum of two new books to each child in the Title/Learning Assistance Program (LAP) to read and enjoy over the summer in an attempt to prevent Summer Slide, academic loss over summer break.
Trudy Watts
Maple Hills Elementary
Ukulele Unit for Upper Elementary Music Students
This grant will provide Ukuleles for the program. Ukuleles are versatile across a variety of musical styles, (no longer limited to Hawaiian music), and are relatively easy to play when compared to guitars due to their light weight, small size, and fewer strings (4 rather than 6). They are easy to store for general music teachers and more durable as well, when compared to guitars. Overall, ukuleles have been shown to have a positive impact on elementary music education.
Caryssa Murphy and Gina Caulton
Endeavor Elementary
Sense-ational Kids: Creating sensory experiences from tactile bins to alterternative seating.
This grant will provide sensory bins for kindergarten classes to promote learning through engagement of tactile based experiences. Alternative seating supports kinesthetic and vestibular movement for children who need increased postural control or a quiet space for self-regulation.
Sunayna Thakur
Endeavor Elementary
Association of Washington Student Leaders ASB Retreat
This grant will enable 20 ASB leaders to attend a two night/ three day intensive retreat with the Washington Association of Student Leaders.
Hillary Nadell
Gibson Ek
Small Programmers, Big Ideas: Blue-Bots
This grant supports the purchase of Blue Bot Hives, mats and accessories for first grade classrooms. These fun tools help students develop a strong foundation in computer science skills and fundamental understanding of algorithms and sequencing.
Karen Bankson
Apollo Elementary
It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Divides By Zero
This grant supports STEM in middle school by providing a math club and access to math competitions.
Eileen Rubenstein
Maywood Middle
First Grade ABC's: Adventurous Blue-Bot Coding
This grant supports the purchase of Ble Bots and asccessories to build foundation knowledge and excitement for STEM in first grade. Blue-Bots are bluetooth enabled floor robots used to code, debug and simulate algorithms in a fun, hands-on way for primary students.
Molly Bankson & Sarah Fulghum
Grand Ridge Elementary
Boosting Brains With Books
This grant supports the purchase of books for 2 classrooms that provide variety and challenges all levels of readers.
Laura Saiki & Jessica Suarez
Creekside Elementary
Cougar Ridge Heritage Festival
This grant supports the administrative costs in organizing the heritage festival to ppromote a culture of inclusivity and celebrate diversity.
Priyanka Raha, Shamitha Sridharan & Nancy Benter
Cougar Ridge Elementary
Fantasy Book Clubs
This grant supports the purchase of books to provide more variety and student choice to meet the students' reading needs.
Kristin Page
Cascade Ridge Elementary